He vivido en nuestra comunidad con mi familia por más de 15 años. Como su próximo asambleísta estatal, siempre representaré su voz.

I have lived in our community with my family for over 15 years. As your next State Assemblymember, I will always represent your voice.


Grace Lee for Assembly

Primarias Democrática 28 de junio de 2022

Grace Lee es hija de inmigrantes, madre de tres, organizadora comunitaria, propietaria de una pequeña empresa y residente desde hace mucho tiempo en el Lower Manhattan.

Grace ha luchado por, y ganado, justicia de vivienda para inquilinos sordos en el Lower East Side y está excepcionalmente calificada para representar a nuestras comunidades en Albany.

Grace Lee is a daughter of immigrants, mother of three, community organizer & longtime Lower Manhattan resident.

Grace has successfully protected our schoolchildren from a toxic cleanup site in the Seaport; she has fought for and won housing justice for deaf tenants on the Lower East Side; and she has stood up and spoken out against racist hate crimes. Grace has organized with our neighbors for years and is uniquely qualified to represent our communities in Albnay.